Hi Penguins!
Are you enjoying the Puffle Party so far? I know I am! :)
Today I'll show you how to complete task 1 of the checklist, and my Orange Puffle, Tango, will be helping me!
Step #1:
Go to the Puffle Hotel, and click on the little checklist icon in the corner to open up your checklist. Now read the task! It says 'Exercise your puffle', and then shows a picture of two treadmills. I guess that means this is what you'll have to exercise your Puffle on!
Step #2:
Go to the gym, on the second floor, you can get there by going in the lift at the side of the lobby, and selecting the floor 'Gym and Spa, floor 2'! (Make sure you have your Puffle!)
Step #3:
Stand on the treadmill with your Puffle, and it will start to run on the treadmill! It's pretty cute, if you ask me! :)
Step #4:
After a few seconds, a little sign that has a beach-ball and a + sign on it will pop up, to show your Puffle is having fun, and is exercising well!
Step #5:
Then the checklist will pop back up, saying 'GREAT JOB! Your puffle got a work out! Your next task will be ready in: 18 hr 00 min'.
Step #6
Now, collect your prize! It's 150 coins. If you're a member, you can collect some shoes, too! But if you're not a member, dont fret. There are still some really awesome things you can do at the Puffle Party as a non-member!