Thursday, 4 April 2013

April 2013 Catalog Cheats :]

Cheat 1:

Cheat 2:

Cheat 3:

Cheat 4:

How to get the Bunny Rabbit pin! :]

Hi penguins!

Today the Bunny Rabbit pin was released! :]
It's very cute.

Here is how to get it.
Step #1: Go to the Dojo

Step #2: Click on the Bunny Rabbit pin!

Step #3: Click 'Yes' on the blue popup.

Step #4: You now have the pin! :) Now you can put it on!

Hope I helped! :]
- Katy :P

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Club Penguin blog - April Party Announcement from Spike Hike!

Today Spike Hike posted a post on the CP blog!

It's about the Superhero Takeover!

It says:

Greetings True Believers!
I'm unbelievably excited to announce the return of the Marvel Superhero Takeover on April 24th!!
There are many secrets ahead, so I won't spoil the surprise, but I can tell you this is an almost ENTIRELY NEW PARTY with new heroes, new villains, and new places from the Marvel Universe!! You are not going to want to miss this...
Excelsior… and Waddle On!
- Spike "The Penguin" Hike & The Club Penguin Team

So, it's an entirely new party, with new heroes and new villains and new places! I can't wait! What do you think? Are you glad about the superhero takeover? And what side will you pick?

I think I'd be a villain, terrorizing the streets of CP! >:)


- Katy :P

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Puffle Party 2013 - Task 4 - Getting the Rainbow Puffle!

Hi Penguins!

Today is the day I can finally get a rainbow Puffle!


Step #1:
Go to the Puffle Hotel, and dont be all excited too much, like I am.

Step #2:
Open your tasks.

Step #3:
Read it, it says 'Relaz with your puffle'. Lets go there, and relax! :)

Step #4:
Yay! We're done!

Step #5:
Are you ready to get a Rainbow Puffle? LETS GO!

Step #6:
Name your Rainbow Puffle! :D

And that's how you get a rainbow puffle! :)

You can watch me getting my Rainbow Puffle below! :)

Do the Puffle Party shake!

Yesterday CP released a video on YouTube called 'Do the Puffle Party Shake!' it's just like the Harlem Shake but with Puffle Party music!

Have you spotted everyone there yet?
And who is your favourite? Mine is the giant smiley emote!

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Puffle Party 2013 - Task 3 Tutorial

Hey Penguins!

Today I'll show you how to complete Task 3 of the Puffle Party, with my Orange Puffle, Tango, of course! :)

Step #1:
Go to the Puffle Hotel and click your checklist!

Step #2:
Go to the roof and sit on the green chairs with your Puffle to feed it! :)

Step #3:
That's it, you're done! Now wait for the checklist to pop back up so you can collect your items!

Friday, 22 March 2013

Puffle Party 2013 - Task 2 Tutorial

Hi Penguins!

It's day 2 of the wonderful Puffle Party!

Today I'll show you how to complete task 2 of the checklist, since I've done task 1 now! :)

My Orange Puffle, Tango, will be helping me again! :D 

Step #1:
Go to the Puffle Hotel, and click on the checklist icon in the corner to open up your checklist. Now read the Task #2. It says I need to 'Groom my puffle'. Then shows a picture of two sofas with combs on them. I think we'll go there, then! :)
Step #2:
Go to the 'Gym and Spa, floor 2'! (Make sure you have your Puffle!, I know I do!)

Step #3:
Now what you need to do is sit on the little chairs on the right with your Puffle, and it will be cleaned! :)

Step #4:
Now you have to wait for a little sign that has a comb and a + sign on it to pop up. The icon shows that your puffle is getting clean!
Step #5:
Then the checklist will pop back up, saying 'GREAT JOB! Your puffle got a work out! Your next task will be ready in: 18 hr  00 min'.
Step #6
Now, collect your prize! It's 150 coins. If you're a member, you can collect a top, too!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Puffle Party 2013 - How to complete Task 1!

Hi Penguins!

Are you enjoying the Puffle Party so far? I know I am! :)

Today I'll show you how to complete task 1 of the checklist, and my Orange Puffle, Tango, will be helping me! 

Step #1:
Go to the Puffle Hotel, and click on the little checklist icon in the corner to open up your checklist. Now read the task! It says 'Exercise your puffle', and then shows a picture of two treadmills. I guess that means this is what you'll have to exercise your Puffle on!

Step #2:
Go to the gym, on the second floor, you can get there by going in the lift at the side of the lobby, and selecting the floor 'Gym and Spa, floor 2'! (Make sure you have your Puffle!)

Step #3:
Stand on the treadmill with your Puffle, and it will start to run on the treadmill! It's pretty cute, if you ask me! :)

Step #4:
After a few seconds, a little sign that has a beach-ball and a + sign on it will pop up, to show your Puffle is having fun, and is exercising well!

Step #5:
Then the checklist will pop back up, saying 'GREAT JOB! Your puffle got a work out! Your next task will be ready in: 18 hr  00 min'.

Step #6
Now, collect your prize! It's 150 coins. If you're a member, you can collect some shoes, too! But if you're not a member, dont fret. There are still some really awesome things you can do at the Puffle Party as a non-member!

Puffle Party 2013 - Reviewing! *SPOILER ALERT*

*This post does contain spoilers from the Puffle Party, keep scrolling if you want to see CP for yourself!*

Hi penguins!

Today the Puffle Party started!
It's looking pretty amazing.

Here are all the rooms!:

Blue Puffles at the Dock!


The Forts!

Brown Puffles at the Dance Lounge

The Pink Puffles are at the Iceberg!

Black Puffles groovin' out at the underground pool!

The Plaza!

Purple Puffles getting their best dance moves out at the Dance Club!

Oh look, the Red Puffles are sailing again at the cove!

The amazing Puffle Hotel's roof!


White Puffles skatin' their hearts out at the Ski Hill!

It seems the Yellow Puffles at the lighthouse have painted my picture!

The Green Puffles are always joking around at the Beacon!

The Beach where all the Puffles are hanging out!

Hehe, I'm working out at the gym at the Puffle Hotel!

COOKIES! OM NOM NOM! Those lucky Orange Puffles, at the Box Dimension!

This is the Puffle Hotel lobby! Pretty glamorous, right?

This is the puffle play area!

So, what do you think? I think this years puffle party is the best yet.

Cool Blue Outer Glow Pointer