Tuesday, 25 December 2012

How To Get On The Balcony In The Bakery

Hey penguins! Today I watched a video on how to do an amazing cheat/glitch that lets you get up into the balcony in the Bakery! The cheat is like the one from Operation Blackout, where you could get into the final part, via a glitch. It’s a really cool cheat that will take you a few tries, but will be totally worth it when you can show your friends what an awesome penguin you are by being able to get up into the balcony and you can show them how to get up there too! Check me out on the right on the balcony!
Instead of trying to explain it to you by typing or with pictures, I figured I could just show you the video I watched would be the best way to do it. It gives a detailed slow-motion explanation on how to do it. Have fun!!

Arctic White Released + Hanging With Waltdisney6!

Hey penguins!

Merry Christmas!

Arctic White
So today, Arctic White was released! You can pick it up when the presents come up when you log in. It's the non member present on the 25th part. The members gift is an Ice Kingdom Igloo! It's really nice.

Waltdisney6's Gathering
So yesterday, me, Eel46, TinyPro, Zonnie, and tons and tons more penguins were all hanging out with Waltdisney6! We all gathered at the Iceberg on Slushy and Walt took pictures of us! It was really cool.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Cookies For Change! - Polo Field

Hey Penguins!
Recently Club Penguin posted a new post on their blog! Here it is:

By Polo Field on December 19, 2012 - 16:49
Hey Penguins!

Are you getting excited for Coins For Change and the Holiday Party?! Us too!

Last week our Kelowna office ramped up the holiday cheer with a Cookie Contest & Bake Sale. We had judges pick the most delicious, creative, and holiday-themed cookies. And all the money we raised went to awesome local charities.

I stopped by to see (and taste!) everybody's festive cookie creations:

What do you think? Leave us a comment and let us know about the ways you give back to your community during the holiday season! We love hearing about all the incredible things penguins do to change the world!

Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

Thursday, 20 December 2012

The Holiday Party Has Begun!

Hey Penguins!

So the Holiday Party is FINALLY on! Let's take a look at it all:

It looks AMAZING! Here is a Rockhopper tracker for the Holiday Party!
Until Then... Waddle On!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

New Pin!

There's a new pin in Club Penguin! It's the Snowflake pin - for the winter! :) It's in the underground mine.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

The Big CP Update

Hey Penguins!

If you haven't seen it yet, CP had a big update! It looks absolutely amazing. They updated the homepage:

The Town:

The Snow Forts:

And the Plaza:

Don't they look absolutely stunning? Leave your opinion below!

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Hello Penguins!

Hey Penguins! Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

December has got to be my favourite time of year. Why?

1. Christmas
2. Santa!
3. Coins For Change

Yes, you heard right! Coins For Change is coming around so quickly again! Hasn't 2012 gone SO quick? For this year's Coins For Change, Club Penguin are giving an amazing $1000000! As you may know, this is Rockhopper's party! So you will be seeing Rockhopper around the island! I can't wait!
Now if you are new to Club Penguin, you may not know what 'Coins For Change' is. Well 'Coins For Change' is a party in December where CP donate money to help provide medical help, protect the earth, and build safe places. You can donate your coins on Club Penguin to 'Coins For Change' to help, by walking up to a little bucket with a sign saying 'Coins For Change' on it, which looks like this:
There will be three different causes to choose from:
Provide Medical Help
Protect the Earth
Build Safe Places

Which one will you be donating to the most? I think I'll be giving to 'Provide Medical Help'

Tell me what cause you will be donating to the most in the comments section below!

Waddle On!

- Katy Perry6
Cool Blue Outer Glow Pointer